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    Create SFX Institutional Holdings for Primo Central

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: 4

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    Generate the SFX institutional holdings XML file and URL for the Primo Central form (also known as SFX Full Text Availability Data for Primo Central).

    This process can be run in the SFX Admin Center (Procedure 1) or the server (Procedure 2).

    Procedure 1
    In the SFX local Admin Center web interface > KBTools > Export Tool
    Step 1. select Advanced Export Queries tab
    Step 2. Select Output format = Google Scholar
    Step 3. select Serials and Monographs checkbox, if you have both types of targets activated
    Step 4. leave additional export file text box empty
    Step 5. select all services
    (from Primo Central Team: "It is best to include all services in the file. Primo Central knows to ignore services that are not full-text, so it doesn't disrupt our process.")
    Step 6. Export from ALL targets
    Step 7. check Compress output files
    Step 8. check Include author information if you are including ebook monograph information
    Step 9. Select Chinese Titles option, as appropriate, e.g., Both
    Step 10. Click Submit

    Procedure 2
    * In the SFX server, sfxlcl41 instance:
    Step 1. >> da
    Step 2. >> ./server_admin_util
    takes you to the Main Menu
    Step 3. 8 Export GOOGLE institutional holdings file
    Please select [1-12,q,m]: 8
    Step 4. Export GOOGLE institutional holdings Tools
    Step 5. 1 (Re)Export GOOGLE institutional holdings file
    Step 6. Chinese Titles Export include the following (if exists): Simplified, Traditional or Both [S,T,B]:b
    Step 7. Please enter the institute's name (Leave empty for Default): [default leaves empty]
    Step 8. Please select object types: Serials, Monographs or Both [S,M,B]:b
    Step 9. Use the following additional export file from scratch directory (optional, leave empty for None):
    Step 10. Export active portfolios with the following services: > 7 All
    Please select [1-7]: 7
    Step 11. Use zip compression? [Y/n] Y
    Step 12. Would you like to add author information? [Y/n] Y (if you are including ebook monograph information)
    Step 13. The system responds:
    Running the index builder. This may take a long time, depending on the amount of active portfolios.
    Export Successful.

    Additional Information

    * Output file location in SFX4: /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/sfxlcl41/export/institutional_holding.xml
    For a library using this base URL for SFX:
    The URL would be:
    If this URL does not work, see KCS Article "The SFX Institutional Holdings File Does Not Open in My Browser"

    * A schedule should be created via the server_admin_util, so the file will be updated regularly.
    The Primo Central system harvests these files weekly.
    The process is lengthy and the harvest may run anytime between Thursday evening (Israel time!) and Sunday.
    Best Practice: Schedule this export to run before 10am ET (USA) Thursday

    Category: Interoperability (SFX)

    Subject: Primo

    • Article last edited: 12/6/2013